Investment Ideas

CMNIX Awarded Morningstar Medalist Rating

July 21, 2020

Calamos Market Neutral Income Fund (CMNIX) is recognized for its "risk-aware approach," which combines “an effective convertible arbitrage strategy and a dynamic, yet conservatively-managed options strategy."

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Microcap Tailwind Lifted CTSIX, Rewarded Style Consistency

Brandon Nelson, CFA
June 26, 2020

Microcaps have been outperforming small caps, which have been outperforming large caps, over the last three months, leading Calamos Timpani Small Cap Growth Fund (CTSIX) Senior Portfolio Manager Brandon Nelson to believe that there's a reversion to mean underway.

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CPLIX’s Grant Called the Market Rally, and Continues Risk-on

Michael Grant
June 15, 2020

This has been an unusual recovery. Initially, it was led by the same high-quality “safety” stocks that dominated before the drawdown. Cyclical issues then followed, starting in mid-May. Here’s how the barbell strategy employed by the Calamos Phineus Long/Short Equity Fund (CPLIX) managed to capture gains during both legs.

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