Investment Ideas

CMNIX: All Weather Through the Decades

March 1, 2023

As one of the oldest liquid alternative funds, CMNIX has demonstrated its merits through a variety of market and interest rate environments. In every decade since the fund’s inception, diversifying a traditional bond portfolio with a 25% allocation to CMNIX could have provided meaningful risk-adjusted outperformance.

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WATCH: The Animated Convertible Price Track

April 8, 2022

The Convertible Price Track illustrates the theoretical relationships between a convertible bond’s price and the par value of the bond as the underlying stock price rises or falls. Now it's animated!

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What Could a Bond Alternative Do for Your Clients This Decade?

December 3, 2021

The declining interest rates of the past decade provided a strong tailwind for bond funds. And yet, Calamos Market Neutral Income Fund (CMNIX) managed to add value by delivering a bond-like return with a bond-like standard deviation but without the bond-like risk exposures.

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