Investment Team Voices

India: Head-fake, or an Inflection Point

Global Team Perspectives by Nick Niziolek, CFA
September 20, 2019

India surprised the markets Friday with a broad corporate tax cut. Were last night’s announcements finally the catalyst India needs to unlock a capex and foreign direct investment cycle?

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Perspectives on Libra, Facebook’s Proposed Cryptocurrency

Global Team Perspectives by Dave Gallagher, CFA; Dennis Cogan, CFA; and Nick Niziolek, CFA
August 28, 2019

Could Libra creatively destroy what many consider to be some of today’s most defensible business models? Our global and international team discusses how this proposed cyptocurrency could disrupt the current payments ecosystem, as well as the hurdles it faces to get off the ground.

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Wish Upon a STAR: A Q&A About China’s New Stock Exchange

Global and International Perspectives by Nick Niziolek, CFA and Dennis Cogan, CFA
August 12, 2019

China’s new STAR Board has been in the headlines since debuting on July 15. This new exchange aligns with many of China’s plans to deepen its domestic capital markets and to increase its overall attractiveness as a destination for capital.

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Green Shoots in China

Global Perspectives by Nick Niziolek, CFA and Todd Speed, CFA
April 30, 2019

Key indicators, including strength across consumer and industrial activity, have affirmed our positive bias toward China. The resumption of trade negotiations with the U.S. in the coming days will provide another key signpost.

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