Investment Team Voices

ESG: A Signpost for Identifying Opportunities and Risks

Nick Niziolek, CFA and Paul Ryndak, CFA
July 8, 2020

In recent years, environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors have become increasingly important to many governments and companies, as well as investors. In this post, the Calamos global team explains how they incorporate ESG into their multi-faceted approach.

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Growth Potential Calling: A Look at India’s Telecom Industry

Nick Niziolek, CFA; Paul Ryndak, CFA; and Michael Burke, CFA
June 29, 2020

Companies that are beneficiaries of secular themes may be more resilient during periods of economic turmoil. But selecting the best investments also requires understanding country-specific and company-specific factors. In this post, we take a look at the unique combination of growth drivers creating tailwinds for India’s telecomm providers.

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Convertible Securities: A Key Lever in a Dynamic EM Approach

Nick Niziolek, CFA and Todd Speed, CFA
June 18, 2020

We believe the case for allocations to emerging markets is very compelling, but current conditions heighten the need for risk-aware approaches. The freedom to invest opportunistically in convertible securities, a core capability of Calamos Investments, is a key differentiator of CNWIX’s dynamic approach—and one which has contributed favorably in 2020.

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Convertible Securities: A Compelling Choice for Uncertain Times

John P. Calamos, Sr.
May 20, 2020

Convertible security strategies can be an attractive choice for an asset allocation core because they lessen the need to make a timing call about the stock market, interest rates or economic recovery, explains John P. Calamos, Sr., Founder, Chairman and Global Chief Investment Officer of Calamos Investments.

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Accelerated Disruption Fuels Global Growth Opportunities

Calamos Global Team
May 14, 2020

Investing behind the drivers of disruption and beneficiaries of disruption while avoiding the losers is an important part of how we build the Calamos global and international portfolios. When we look across the vector of secular forces in place for the last decade, the gap has widened strikingly between winners and losers in the span of just a few months.

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Asset Allocation Perspectives: Responding to Risk While Staying Invested

John P. Calamos, Sr.
April 9, 2020

John P. Calamos, Sr. explains why it makes sense to stay invested through uncertainty. There are variety of ways to potentially reduce the equity exposures in a portfolio without going to cash—for example, by including risk-managed liquid alternative and convertible security strategies.

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The CARES Act Should Limit Downside Risks and Set the Stage for a Faster Recovery

Equity Market Perspectives by John Hillenbrand
March 31, 2020

The CARES Act can reduce immediate downside risks as well as systematic shocks to the U.S. economy and financial system, says John Hillenbrand, Co-CIO and Senior Co-Portfolio Manager. He explains why he believes the Act will be successful in its overall goals, and some areas positioned to benefit from an investment standpoint.

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Investing through Coronavirus Uncertainty: 3 Global Themes Creating Investment Opportunity

Calamos Global Equity Team
March 30, 2020

In challenging environments, top-down secular themes provide “a wind in the sails” that can help companies stay above the economy. In this post, the Calamos Global Equity Team revisits three themes that they’ve been bullish on for quite some time: Bioprocessing, artificial intelligence, and global payments. While growth prospects for these themes were strong coming into this crisis, the team expects opportunity to increase in these uncertain times.

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