Fixed Income’s Role in a Portfolio

December 13, 2017

Matt Freund, Co-CIO, Head of Fixed Income Strategies, Senior Co-Portfolio Manager, says investors need to remember these three reasons to own fixed income: the asset needs to be cheap, provide needed income or serve as a hedge against other positions in a portfolio.

Convertible Arbitrage Is in Calamos’ Roots

December 13, 2017

Eli Pars, Co-CIO, Head of Alternative Strategies and Co-Head of Convertible Strategies, Senior Co-PM, discusses the extensive background of our convertible arbitrage strategy.

Convertible Arbitrage—Sources of Income

December 13, 2017

Eli Pars, Co-CIO, Head of Alternative Strategies and Co-Head of Convertible Strategies, Senior Co-PM, outlines the sources of income from convertible arbitrage, including: coupon income from the convertible bond, short interest credit, capital appreciation from convertibles and rebalancing/trading profits.

The Mistake Fixed Income Investors Make

December 13, 2017

Matt Freund, Co-CIO, Head of Fixed Income Strategies, Senior Co-Portfolio Manager, cautions investors not to think about the bond market as one single, monolithic market, but to think about sectors and exposures. The team sees opportunities in select parts of the credit markets, the structured product markets, as well as the international and convertible markets.

Calamos Fixed Income Vs. Passive Investing

December 13, 2017

Matt Freund, Co-CIO, Head of Fixed Income Strategies, Senior Co-Portfolio Manager, explains that there are three main reasons to go active over passive: risk management, the composition of fixed income indices and the changing nature of fixed income indices.

Why Convertible Arbitrage Is a True Market Neutral Strategy

December 13, 2017

Eli Pars, Co-CIO, Head of Alternative Strategies and Co-Head of Convertible Strategies, Senior Co-PM, explains that convertible arbitrage has performed well in most equity market environments—and that the strategy has done its best in declining equity markets historically.

There are 3 Types of Fixed Income Managers

December 13, 2017

Matt Freund, Co-CIO, Head of Fixed Income Strategies, Senior Co-Portfolio Manager, discusses what sets the Calamos fixed income approach apart.

Genesis of Calamos Evolving World Growth Fund

August 1, 2016

Nick Niziolek, Co-CIO, explains the origin of the Calamos Evolving World Growth Fund and the reasons we believe it is a unique emerging market solution.

The Long/Short Model Flexibility of Calamos Phineus Long/Short Fund

July 27, 2016

Michael Grant, SVP, Senior Co-Portfolio Manager, discusses how the Calamos Phineus Long/Short Fund differs from “traditional” long/short funds. Key differentiating characteristics include dynamic asset allocation, manager flexibility and style.